JooAm : Measurement Equipment & Simulation S/W for OLEDs and OPVs 

JooAm PRODUCTS    Device Simulator


Simulators for Modeling of Organic & Perovskite Devices

JSTD simulates various electrical and optical characteristics of OLED, OPV and Perovskite to accelerate the R&D and to understand the device physics.


Simulators for Modeling of Organic & Perovskite Devices

JSTD simulates various electrical and optical characteristics of OLED, OPV and Perovskite to accelerate the R&D and to understand the device physics.


Simulators for Modeling of Organic & Perovskite Devices

JSTD simulates various electrical and optical characteristics of OLED, OPV and Perovskite to accelerate the R&D and to understand the device physics.