About JooAm
| Company Overview
JooAm Corporation is a leading OLED simulation and measurement equipment manufacturer, driving future display technologies. It boasts a team of top-notch experts with unparalleled expertise in the OLED field, conducting in-depth research and understanding of the latest technological trends based on their know-how and technical prowess. Juam's OLED simulation and measurement equipment are renowned for their highest level of accuracy and reliability, earning high praise from both domestic and international customers. With cutting-edge technology like organic semiconductor-related measurements, simulations, and evaluations, as well as pioneering techniques in device design and material development, Juam aims to contribute to the industry and research fields. Constantly pursuing technological innovation, it is poised to grow into a leading company that pioneers the future of OLED technology.
JooAm Corporation is a venture company that originated from Seoul National University's campus in late 2018. It specializes in developing measurement equipment and simulators for displays and electronic components, with a particular focus on OLED technology. Juam is devoted to leading-edge research, transforming the achievements of Seoul National University professors into industrial applications, and ultimately evolving into a global leader in the field of measurement equipment and simulators.
Recently, Juam achieved a successful development of a molecular orientation measurement device for OLED, completing deliveries to domestic OLED panel companies. Through various national projects and in-house research, the company is actively engaged in cutting-edge research and development, driving advancements on a global scale.
Presently, Juam has been selected for government-funded research projects totaling 3.2 billion KRW over four years, further brightening the company's future prospects.
| A field of study
Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs), Perovskite Light Emitting Diodes (PLEDs), Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diodes (QLEDs), Organic Solar Cells (OSCs), Organic Photodetectors (OPDs), Perovskite Solar Cells (PSCs), Quantum Dot Solar Cells, and other organic and hybrid materials and devices physics, optical properties, charge transport, charge and energy transfer, electrical doping, exciton formation and dissociation, organic/organic, organic/perovskite, organic/metal, perovskite/metal interfaces, molecular-to-device-level simulations, high-performance OLEDs and OPVs, nanostructures in organic films.
| A research Topic
High-performance OLEDs and OPVs, simulation at the molecular-device nanostructure level of organic thin films, electrical doping, metal/organic junction characteristics, electron-hole recombination, exciton dynamics, exciton dissociation.
Founder / CEO
Kim, Jang-Joo
Stanford University: Ph.D. in Material Science and Engineering (1987)
Stanford University: M.S. in Material Science and Engineering (1983)
Seoul National University: M.S. in Chemical Engineering (1980)
Seoul National University: B.S. in Chemical Engineering (1977)
Professional Approintments
- Seoul National University (2003.07-now)
Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Director, Center for Organic Light Emitting Diodes
- GIST (1997.01-2003.6)
Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Dean, Office of Information Systems and Library
Director, Photonics Research Center
Chairman, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Director, BK21 Materials Science and Engineering Program
- ETRI (1987.08-1996.12)
Team Leader and Principal Member of Technical Staff
- SRI (Stanford Research Institute) (1986.03-1987. 08)
International Postdoctoral Fellow
- Samyang Polyester Co. (1977.01–06)
- Member of Korea Academy of Science and Technology (2008-now)
- Editor, Organic Electronics (2013-now)
- Vice Chairman, The Korean Information Display Society
- President, Korea Society of Organic Solar Cells (2011)
- Chairman, SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers) Optics and Photonics,
OLED-Conference (2015-now)
- Chairman, Asian Conference on Organic Electronics (2009-2014)
- Member of the Presidential Commission on Policy Planning (2005-2007)
-Chairman of the Committee of Molecular Electronic Sector, The Polymer Society of Korea
- Journal of the Society for Information Display Associate Editor (2006-2007)
- Korea Order of Science and Technological Merit (대한민국 과학기술훈장 창조장) (2019)
- Sangam polymer Award (The Polymer Society of Korea, 2019)
- UDC (Universal Display Corporation) Pioneering Technology Award in Organic Electronics, IMID
(International Meeting on Information Display) (2018)
- Winner of Schrodinger’s 2017 MS (Material Science) Excellence Contest (Schrodinger Inc., 2018)
- The Excellence in Research Award (Seoul National University, 2017)
- Outstanding Researcher Award, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy of Korea, 2014
- Dukmyuong-KAST Engineering Awards, Korea Academy of Science and Technology, 2013
- ISI (The Institute for Scientific Information) Citation Classic Award (ISI, 2000)
- Outstanding Researcher Award, ETRI, 1996
Founder / CEO
Kim, Jang-Joo
Choi, Dong-Nam
External Technical Advisor
Moon, Chang-Ki
Chief Technical Advisor
Shin, Byung-Kwan
Cho, Young-Joon
Oh, Jae-Jin